Analisis Problematika Pendidik PAI dalam Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka
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The independent curriculum was initiated by the Minister of Education on February 11 2022. Curriculum changes are a challenge for an educational institution to implement because in facing curriculum changes, teachers need a lot of preparation, such as being provided with socialization or special training related to the independent curriculum. This research aims to analyze the problems of PAI teachers in implementing the independent curriculum in class X SMA PP Terpadu DR. M. Natsir Alahan Panjang. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, the research informants, by PAI and Fiqh subject teachers, school principals, curriculum representatives, five students of X grade and masters of class using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results of this research are internal problems that PAI teachers still consider the independent curriculum to be difficult, teachers have not mastered the concept of the independent curriculum, and have difficulty mastering PAI material. The external problems of PAI teachers are students lack of motivation and interest in learning because they are still not used to independent learning, students have not yet faced curriculum changes because they have completely changed the learning process and there is a lack of school facilities. PAI teachers efforts are to communicate or discuss with other teachers who had better understanding the independent curriculum and participate in MGMP activities.