Pengaruh Program Tahfiz Al-Quran Terhadap Pemgembangan Akhlak Siswa Di Rumah Tahfiz Al-Hufazh Padang Koto Gadang
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This research is motivated by students morals which are increasingly deteriorating day by day, there is a lack of respect for teachers and parents, manners are neglected between parents and young people, student brawls occur everywhere. This research aims to determine the effect of the Tahfiz Al-Quran program on moral development in students at the Tahfiz Al-Hufazh House Padang Koto Gadang. This research uses quantitative methods with a correlation type approach. The total sample was 36 students using nonprobability sampling technique with purposive sampling type. The research data was analyzed using SPSS version 25. The results of this research show that there is a positive and significant influence of the Al-Quran tahfiz program on the moral development of students at Rumah Tahfiz Al-Hufazh Padang Koto Gadang. Proven by the significance value of 0.001 < 0.005. Apart from that, the magnitude of the influence of the Al-Quran tahfiz program on the development student’s moral at Rumah Tahfiz Al-Hufazh Padang Koto Gadang was obtained from the R Square determinant coefficient value of 0.280 x 100, namely 28%. With this, it can be concluded that the influence of the Al-Quran tahfiz program on the formation of morals among humans is 28% and the remaining 72% is influenced by other factors.