Relevansi Konversi SKS Mata Kuliah Dalam Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka 2 Mahasiswa PAI UNP

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Zaki Rullah
Alfurqan Alfurqan


Facing the rapid development of the times, the government of the Republic of Indonesia has
swiftly kept pace by launching the Independent Learning Campus policy by the Ministry of
Education and Culture. One of the superior programs implemented by the Islamic Religious
Education study program at Padang State University is the Independent Student Exchange
(PMM). In its implementation, there are several technical differences that occur because the
Ministry of Education and Culture gives full authority to universities to implement this policy,
while the time given to prepare is very limited. One of the technical differences that the author
raises in this research is related to the relevance of converting course credits from the receiving
university to the originating university. This research uses a qualitative method with a case
study approach. The data sources in this research were informants consisting of 3 PAI lecturers
and 10 alumni of PMM 2 PAI FIS UNP study program. Meanwhile, the documents used are
proof of student learning outcomes from the recipient university. Data collection techniques
through observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed through data
reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity techniques use source
triangulation and engineering triangulation. The research results showed that of the 10 PMM
2 alumni students from the PAI FIS UNP study program, 2 of them took cross-majors, 3 took
mixed majors, and 5 people remained in the PAI major. The results of the interviews show that
the courses converted from the recipient PT to the original PT were all relevant because all of the
alumni took majors that were still relevant to the PAI FIS UNP study program.

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